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Home from El Paso

I have just arrived home from my teaching trip to El Paso. The Reiki has been fabulous! I made it a priority to have a treatment every day…which I did! And mostly in the mornings which was great because my nights are still not settled…so having a good treatment (sometimes 2 hours) was a life saver. Then I also was in the energy of teaching a First Degree class and a Second Degree class. Both were special…as usual!!! I loved seeing my students from the years past. They are doing well and their Reiki is strong and clear. So wonderful to see the development of a community too!

In the afternoons I was able to have time to visit with some of the students that I taught some years ago and to reconnect in a good way. I had great hosts and they treated me well.

So now my next step is to keep this up at home! Luckily Phil Morgan is arriving tomorrow afternoon and we will have a workshop together at Kenyon Ranch next week.

With all my appreciation for your treatments which are the foundation for my good mind right now. I appreciate your time and willingness to keep supporting me through this time of ups and downs.
