We would like to thank the many friends who contributed to this website
Italian: Lida Perry and Marco Casazza
Dutch: Elina van der Heijden and Petra Timmermans
French: Raymonde Menga-Demai and André Broos
Russian: Sadhu, Nur Stepanova and Anjee
Spanish: Laurence Fontaine and Upasana Grugan
Portuguese: Helena Hungria and Tânia Cervenka
German: Erika Breiter and Janina Sloman
Headline photos: Jürgen Kindler
Group photo on the page Members of the OGM: Romualdo Farias
All other photos: The Office of the Grandmaster
All rights reserved. Please do not use any material from this website without written consent.
Website setup and maintenance
Jürgen Kindler with assistance of Jeroen Mets
Nicolas John from DM Solutions
Tools used: WordPress, YOOtheme, The Events Calendar, Contact Form
Type faces
- Play by Google Fonts, Copyright (c) 2011, Jonas Hecksher, Playtypes, e-types AS (lasse@e-types.com), with Reserved Font Name ‘Play’, ‘Playtype’, ‘Playtype Sans’.
- Origo by JOEBOB graphics, ©2014 GEERT
English: Kristin Bonney
German: Johannes Reindl