Radio shows “Reiki – Balancing Form and Essence”

Between 2007 and 2015 Phyllis Furumoto produced about 340 radio shows. She interviewed people of interest in the Reiki world, or just shared what was happening in her life.
Phyllis Furumoto: In my travels through the world of Reiki, I meet many people. All of them have great stories, profound insights given through their practice with Reiki, and inspiring experiences. It is my joy to be able to share these with you through these interviews. I am grateful for the willingness of these students of Reiki to share with you a glimpse of their Reiki path.
These original archival interviews are recorded between 2007 and 2015.
Year 2013
10 January 2013 – Ciro Perrino
A miracle has happened! Through Facebook I met Ciro Perrino and was instantly intrigued by his being a composer and being a Reiki Master. Ciro’s insights and connection to Music and Reiki touched me deeply. … Like a new instrument I had not heard playing Reiki! There are few words right now to describe the interview. Perhaps this is an experience of what he has within…a miracle of bringing into hearing something that exists but is not heard until he becomes the channel. At the end of the interview is a composition by Ciro … inspired by his Zen Meditation … titled “Sitting Quietly Doing Nothing”. Appreciation to Claudia Enrico for her interpretation. Ciro on youtube:; Ciro on facebook:
17 January 2013 – Lynn Armor
Lynn came to Reiki in a practical way. Her story of her son’s early days is a potent example of the way Reiki brings living beings into balance and then goes to the cause! Her story starts in 1986. In 2002, she discovered herself in Japan for two years and took the opportunity to study with Tadeo Yamaguchi and his practice, Jikiden Reiki. This has brought her many gifts. Lynn’s joy of life, understanding of the many levels of existence, and practical nature come together. And the closing of this interview….the question is “What is going to happen next?”
24 January 2013 – Lillene Mariella Pedersen
Lillene’s story of how she came to Reiki reminds us all that the first step was our birth and the qualities of our person that we bring with us. This quality of Lillene carries throughout her years with her Reiki practice. Her stories of how Reiki has touched lives also reminds us that there is destiny, mystery, and universal connection the is operating through us as human beings. These are qualities to be celebrated and taken into another step, which for Lillene is Reiki Home.
31 January 2013 – Claudia Enrico
Food …. Glorious Food! The energy of our bodies receives nourishment from food. If our food is filled with energy, if our food matches what our bodies are able to digest, then we will build our foundation of health. Through her finding out that her body was not able to digest wheat which contains gluten, Claudia found a path to Health, Happiness, and Long Life… which is the phrase that Hawayo Takata used when talking about Reiki to students. The moment of vulnerability that our bodies bring us to, allows Reiki to enter a deeper place in our beings. Through this entrance comes the gift that is ours to give. Visit website
7 February 2013 – Vanesa Maiorana
Vanesa came to Reiki as she was searching for something different in her life. Her Reiki story, as with many of us, tells of a change of life at a difficult moment. At the same time, there was an echo in the monetary health of Argentina and she weathered both storms through her dedication and practice of Reiki. A story of trust and listening, Vanesa has extended her experience and commitment to her students. Interpretation by Upasana Grugan. Visit website
14 February 2013 – Brigitte Mueller
Brigitte’s story is a wonderful example of how deeply Reiki can touch the essence of being and change a life. A series of events and people put her in Mary McFayden’s car in 1983 where she first heard the word Reiki. From then on, Brigitte’s journey is one of courage, dedication, and acting from her knowing of what Reiki is for her. The cultural healing of Germany is also personified by Brigitte’s story and the touch of Reiki has brought peace to many, including her. War is a human solution to distress and she dreams of a time that Reiki and Love will be used instead.
21 February 2013 – Ricardo Monezi
Ricardo Monezi is a passionate Reiki practitioner and master as well as a research scientist. His story with Reiki started when he was 16 and this connection is reflected in his life. The research he has begin over the years of his study, has shown the effects of Reiki in relieving stress. Stress is recognized as one of the signs of physical disharmony of the body….and often of disharmony of other aspects of being human. Dedicated to clearing a path for more people to have the gift of healing in their own hands, Ricardo’s zest for life and his warm heart are evident in his voice and his work. He encourages people to connect through his Facebook page. Visit website
28 February 2013 – Martin Ouwerkerk
Research is happening everywhere these days. Martin has been involved with research through a multi-national company. In the last years he has taken steps to study physical and emotional responses in people through technical measuring devices that have been available only in the last few years. One of the interesting things he discovered in measuring the amount of light photons that emanate from Reiki hands…..the amount of light decreases as the practice moves towards “perfection.” This has interesting implications in the theories of students over the question: What does this sensation in my hands mean? A balanced combination of scientist and Reiki Master, Martin shares his love for both.
7 March 2013 – Jojan Jonker
Jojan is a continued presence on the show. As listeners you can follow his path through researching the mystic experiences of fellow masters and now a paper on “three eras of Reiki practice;” the founding era beginning with Mikao Usui, the era of Reiki coming to Hawaii and then the mainland of the USA, and the present era of globalization. Where do these research papers take us as students? What is their value? Need we change our practice because of these? The outcome of the study may give new insights in the way Reiki migrated from Japan to present time, but his aim is not to change anyone’s practice but to deepen it. Jojan gives us direction as well as his enthusiasm about his path as a student, a master, and a scholar. Visit website
14 March 2013 – Christa Faye Burka
Long ago, in the early 1980s Christa was lead to the big island of Hawaii, the place where Bethal Phaigh spent the winters leading Gestalt groups and in her last years, treating and teaching Reiki. Her meeting with Bethal and her initiation into Reiki 1 was a life changing experience for many reasons and on many levels. After another life changing experience of receiving an unexpected energetic gift, Christa awakened to her new vocation and path of service to support the awakening of human consciousness. Holding the energy of Crystal Consciousness and Reiki Master, she balances form and essence within herself, her life and her teaching. Visit website
21 March 2013 – Justin Stein
Justin began his spiritual education as a child, as his mother is a long-time practitioner of transcendental meditation, yoga, and alternative medicine. He continued his exploration through his teens, spending a college semester in Japan studying different forms of meditation, which led him to the academic study of Japanese religion. He is now writing a paper on the history of Reiki, dissolving the compartmental thinking and creating a new way of addressing the history. His research spans the entire timeline of Reiki and is, as well, in a cooperative relationship with others who are researching from their own point of view, such as Jojan Jonker (see interviews with Jojan in the archives). Visit website
28 March 2013 – Robert Fueston
Robert’s story starts out with all the elements of “coincidence that are really daily miracles.” A series of these coupled with his desire to find out how Hawayo Takata taught Reiki set Robert on a path of mastery. His willingness to seek the “answer” gave him the opportunity to meet the elders of the Reiki community and to learn the essential lessons of Reiki. His story is the story of the relationship between essence and form……and the rewards of consistency and diligence. Visit website
4 April 2013 – Frank Coppieters
Frank’s story is a lovely voice from the past when it seemed that we knew everyone and we were community. Now the Reiki community is more expressed as a virtual one. Frank’s legacy to his students is his value of community and his love for the members of this community. His integration of Reiki practice into his life, his growing into his shamanistic practice, and his personal partnership come through him as his expression of mastery. Teaching in both the Portland Oregon area and in Belgium, his birth country, allows Frank to build an international community that is alive and vibrant. His quiet words give one a glimpse into the depth of his path and his dedication to Reiki. Visit website
11 April 2013 – Kathy Melcher
Kathy came into contact with Reiki through her husband, Frank Coppieters. Her Reiki story is inspirational for those who have had experience of addictive behaviors. The courage and determination to turn her life around was supported by her Reiki practice and by the community in which she lived. A dedicated psychiatric social worker, Kathy uses the richness of her life to support others in their journey of connection to the human spirit, which she so beautifully radiates. Visit website
18 April 2013 – Peter Robinson
Peter and Barbara Robinson were introduced to Reiki in Spain through a story filled with coincidences. These coincidences became the beginning of a journey for Barbara and Peter that lead them to the United States, back to Spain and then to their home country, England. Barbara’s transition three years ago has set her free from constant pain. Peter tells their story with all the love and appreciation of their soul connection. His present active participation in the The Reiki Association of the UK is a wonderful affirmation of his 92 years of life experience and his 21 years of Reiki.
25 April 2013 – Lisa Saylan
A woman who knows who she is, Lisa has known of her gifts since she was a child. Having supportive parents, she was able to explore herself and come to Reiki with an open heart. Her path has lead her to Phoenix, to her present master, and to the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA). There she has found a community that meets her values and embraces her work with Reiki and her Reiki gift of being in contact with ascended masters. A dedicated student of Reiki and life, Lisa tells her story with candidness and compassion. Visit website
2 May 2013 – Phyllis Furumoto
“Let Reiki be the teacher. Reiki gives us health, happiness, and long life.” These are the words from Hawayo Takata. In August 2009, Phyllis found that she had a tumor in her breast that was cancer. This started a long process of treatment both on a physical level and also on the emotional level. There were many issues around caring for herself and having the courage to make difficult decisions that supported this care. In March 2013, Phyllis found that the cancer has reappeared in her right leg bone and a spot in her breast bone. Immediately it was clear for her that this next step was an another level of healing. This is a sharing, a request for support, and a teaching of Reiki.
23 May 2013 – Dieter Leisebein
Born in Leipzig, Germany, Dieter has lived the experience of “being behind a wall.” The opening of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was an electrifying event for the world. Many, including Dieter, believe that the work of Reiki assisted in providing the energetic field that made this possible without violence. Dieter came to Reiki in 2002. He’s working for german Reiki Magazin since 2008. In 2010, he became part of the formation of “ProReiki” or “ProReiki – der Berufsverband e.V.”, in German. Dieter articulates his journey with a sense of humanity that expresses a deep sense of Reiki that abides in us all. Visit website
30 May 2013 – Emilia Sarmento
Emilia heard the voice of Reiki calling her some 13 years ago and has followed this voice ever since. She has taken some big steps into the unknown in trust that Reiki was supporting her. She is also involved in Reiki without Frontiers and the movement in Portugal for all Reiki students to come together. A history teacher for 27 years, she is now in the forefront of Reiki in Portugal and making history herself. Thoughtful, trusting, and sincere, Emilia is an inspiration for those who are looking for a dedicated path.
6 June 2013 – Isabella Petri
Isabella came to Reiki in the beginning of 1993 and Reiki was immediately supported by her work. Over the years of her mastership path, Isabella has put her energy into creating possibilities for all those who are drawn to Reiki to have what they need to embrace the practice. She has been involved with taking Reiki to the business world, been involved in research projects, and now active in founding Pro Reiki, a German organization open for those who wish to create more stability for Reiki practices in Germany. Visit website
13 June 2013 – Chuck Vickery
Chuck came to Reiki through an amazing set of “coincidences” that have proven to be a transformative process in his life. He started out by taking a hit of crystal meth in the parking lot before going up to have his first Reiki treatment in 1987. This started the change! His Reiki path has taken him to many parts of the world…..a personal connection with the Netherlands…and his vocation now which is substance abuse counseling. He is wanting to include Reiki in this protocol and is reconnecting with his Master path. Another time of transformation for him and his path of Reiki.
20 June 2013 – Justin Stein
Take Two! This is our second show with Justin in the last few months, and we’re planning on at least one more. The first is in the archives on March 21, 2013. In this interview, we go into more depth into his doctoral dissertation research on the history of the practice of Reiki. His interest lies in the detail as well as the overview of oral tradition and cultural influences. He just received a grant to complete a stage of study in Japanese language. His endeavor is to be completely fluent which will allow him to research the Reiki of modern Japan as well as the Japan of Mikao Usui. The show covers many topics and the flow of conversation will most likely bring up questions! If you have them, please put them on the Facebook page for Justin and I. Visit website
27 June 2013 – Denise Payne-Ollivier
Denise was introduced to Reiki in 2007 when a friend treated her ankles and legs … having had a chronic condition that resulted in surgery. Immediately she was taken with Reiki and started her intensive education program to learn a Reiki practice and then to learn more and more about Reiki and its gift. She has been lead to being a public practitioner. Her sharing of lessons learned and her method for connecting with clients are supportive for anyone with this calling. In her practice, she has been drawn to work with military veterans … with great rewards being experienced for the Veterans, her students … as well as Denise herself. Visit website
11 July 2013 – Phyllis Furumoto
Happy Birthday Radio Show! This is the beginning of the 7th year of the Reiki Talk Show! So I am on the show myself sharing about the impact that the show has had on my Reiki life and the deeper understanding of the layers of friendship. I am very grateful for those who have supported the radio show through the years! I embark on another year with excitement and trust that we will all benefit from the connections with Reikistudents around the world.
27 July 2013 – Paul Mitchell/Phyllis Furumoto
In the years from 1980, Reiki has spread throughout the world. As the classes are formed, a little community forms. Then larger local communities. And now these communities are starting to overlap and find those places where there is common ground. As a result, there is substance in connecting with the global Reiki community members. Paul’s past interview in which he describes his experience in a religious community and then a living community, highlights the qualities of both and the value of being a conscious member of community.
1 August 2013 – Molly Coeling
Starting off the theme of Reiki Community is a thrust of energy from Chicago! In early 2012, several students and masters founded the Midwest Reiki Community ( Their greater vision of creating union within local practice communities while also creating a global community presence is being built on a clear and conscious foundation of supporting Reiki practitioners to practice! Molly’s journey with Reiki began in 2011, as she trained and practiced alongside her brother-in-law. Together they formed their own Reiki support group, and now she is taking it to her local community of Chicago and then out to the world. She knows the value of practice from her passion for running and is applying this to Reiki. A great application. Visit website
8 August 2013 – Heather McCutcheon
Heather moved from the cut-throat world of advertising in Chicago to massage school through a life changing experience. After many years of working in this new profession, she was lead to working with chakras. Another stimulating experience occurred that brought her to Reiki. Heather’s response to difficult moments in her life have lead her to where she is now. A great example of how the universe brings us the energy of change and if we are able, we can turn to our true vocation in life as a sunflower turns to the sun. She is deeply involved in many projects with the underserved populations of Chicago; one of these being homeless veterans. Inspiring, articulate, and passionate….her energy just makes you want to move! Visit website
15 August 2013 – Gina Mclaughlin
Gina oversees the creative development and online marketing for the Midwest Reiki Community. This site is as uplifting and clear as Gina is. Her passion for the virtual world brings the message of the Community and of Reiki to the world. Gina found Reiki through a marriage counselor who was able to further her therapeutic process by giving her Reiki treatments. She has recently moved to Boulder CO and has started the next MRC there….now referred to as the Global Reiki Communities
22 August 2013 – Tracey Ostrand
Happy Birthday Tracey….and me too! My birthday is the 22nd and hers is the 23rd. We discovered we are both idealists and passionate about Reiki. The conversation grew into a sharing of our experiences in living in the diverse community of Reiki, as it is now. Tracey is the initiator of the Midwest Reiki Community and is excited by making decisions by creative consensus within the group. This is a great example of the movement in our global society towards cooperation and creative relationships. Looking forward to seeing what happens next with this Community! Visit website
29 August 2013 – Maureen Pua’ena O’Shaughnessy
When living in community, whether this is a Reiki Community or our local community or our families, forgiveness and reconciliation are key. In the Hawaiian tradition, Ho’oponopono, these elements are a vital part of the community philosophy and daily practice. Reiki gives us the capacity to live this with those that are around us. Now, as the global community gathers and forms through social media and the urge to come together without separation, this practice can give us the grounding to extend our Reiki hands to all those practicing Reiki, no matter what the form or practice is. Maureen shares her experience with us. Encore show from April 7, 2011. Visit website
6 September 2013 – Ellen and Tim Sosinski
I met Ellen and Tim at the NW Reiki Gathering in August. As we spoke about their trip to Africa, our passion for community, and their reiki stories, I was excited about having them on the show! Ellen and Tim speak about community and the way of the organic process….everything building step by step. It is a good reminder of the essence of Reiki which is to bring each of us back to our natural beauty and way of being in relationship with the natural world. Their experiences of being with the animal life in Africa reminded me of the power and potential of community that is inherent in being human.
12 September 2013 – Jessica Schaffer
The North West Reiki Gathering has been held at the Breitenbush Hot Spring Retreat Center for the last 29 years. The gathering has taken on a life of its own and is being held for the global community by a non profit board of students and masters who have great dedication and passion for this gathering. Jessica is on the board and has been attending the gathering for over 15 years. Her Reiki story includes her once a year community experience, enriching her practice and her own development. Articulate and sensitive, Jessica brings her open heart to the interview.
19 September 2013 – Gary Viehdorfer
Gary’s story starts back in 1980 and winds through time and travels on both inner and outer roads, until we come to the present. His journey of life, Reiki, and following his bliss gives all of us a chance to look at our Reiki journey and see the times of decision, of crossroads, and of inspiration. Community runs through his story and culminates with his involvement with the NW Reiki Gathering in Oregon.
26 September 2013 – Rosemary Neff and Dot Patteson
The last of the interviews from the Northwest Reiki Gathering Community that meets in Oregon every second weekend of August. Next year will be the 30th anniversary of this gathering. Rosemary and Dot are part of the stability of the gathering. Dot has attended all of them, and Rosemary since she started her practice in 1985. The two of them give a clear impression of what community has offered to them as individuals and as members of a Reiki community. Rosemary is now on her mastery path and is expanding her consciousness of community from this perspective. Simple, clear, and dedicated, these two could inspire you to attend the gathering next year! Visit website
3 October 2013 – Vibhavan
In 1984 Tom Fisher went on a journey to find what was missing in his life, even though he had accomplished the American dream success story. He felt something deep was missing in his life. He emerged Vibhavan, a devotee of Osho and a dedicated Reiki student… and later on a devotee of Prem Baba. His life journey has allowed him to follow his path with passion, in being part of the Osho community, Prem Baba’s community and as a Reiki Master. Articulate and passionate, his commitment to having community as a context for his personal spiritual journey has enriched his life and filled in that “missing piece.”
10 October 2013 – Stephen Buck
Stephen Buck, writing as Kiyo Takahashi This story is full of challenge, honesty, and willingness to take the next step of healing. Buck had resistance to attend the Reiki classes but did anyway. His healing challenge arose when he went homeless and was forced to confront the “dark night of the soul.” Reiki brought him out and has given him another way to live his life. Expressing himself through writing, he found another way to trace his path in Reiki while helping others do the same. Possibly controversial, Buck writes under the pen name, Kiyoshi Takahashi. Our conversation opens doorways for further development in both our Reiki paths.
17 October 2013 – Ben Haggard
Encore show Permaculture, sustainability, and regenerative process. What do these concepts have to do with community? And with the Reiki community? How can we use this gift of Reiki to serve the earth and all living things? Ben Haggard has been a deep resource for the Reiki community through his work with Phyllis Furumoto. One of the events that has arisen out of this conversation is Reiki for a Better World. There are two of these events scheduled over the next 6 months. These are a chance to be a part of the answer to the question: What are the gifts that our Reiki practice may reflect sustainability? And how can each of us be a part of the answer for our planet and world community? Visit website
31 October 2013 – Joop Teggelove
Joop’s story of his Reiki life and the development of his work at his Healing Center is a wonderful example of how a person can find their destiny. A busy business man, Joop transformed his life on many levels as he followed his intuition. He found Reiki, then found Byron Katie and her Work, and then found the art of singing bowls. The three art forms join together to give Joop a way to assist people in finding themselves and in healing their lives. Steady, clear, and full of heart, Joop lives his Reiki life with great passion. Visit website
7 November 2013 – Dr. Elizabeth Ann Hutchinson
Ann Hutchinson starts her Reiki story from her childhood with her unique voice. She traces her deep wish from childhood to serve others, to relieve their pain, and to heal. This wish brought her to medical school 50 years ago. When the quality of her medical practice was compromised by the regulations in the UK, she opted to take a medical herbal course and came back to being with her patients in the way she wanted. Reiki has come to Ann in the last years, shifting the quality of her practice to another level. Celebrating life to the fullest, taking the cues from what is happening around her, and following her instincts has lead Ann and her life partner, Joyce, to offer all that they have in service.
21 November 2013 – Ben Haggard
In October 2011, Ben Haggard was interviewed for two consecutive shows. This is the second of these encore shows. The first was rebroadcast on October 17 2013, two years after the original interview. I am running these again because Ben has been active in the Reiki community and has been supporting the RFI in their development to manifest Reiki Home. This year his presence as a Resource has been bearing fruit. After years of conversations and meetings, we are finally getting what he was saying! His sharing of the Living Systems Frameworks and the ability to ask penetrating questions has started to open the doors of potential. Visit website
28 November 2013 – Salini Teri Apodaca
Salini was 9 years old when her mother, Layla Atkinson, discovered Reiki and invited Hawayo Takata into their home to teach classes. The relationship between Salini and Hawayo Takata grew as her mother continued to organize classes at least twice a year for ten plus years. With a solid foundation of trust in the benefits of Reiki for physical, mental and emotional traumas, Salini experienced the magic of Reiki moving through 5 major crises in her life, calling on Reiki to transform her. Having been healed and experienced a spiritual awakening, she has devoted her life to assisting others creating The Reiki Recovery Project, a holistic program for healing addiction using Reiki as a foundation. You can listen to her radio show on
5 December 2013 – Karen Pischke
In 1998, after having a profound experience when receiving Reiki at a Wellness Conference, Karen was dedicated to Reiki. Combining this with her profession of nursing, Karen was in the right place at the right time to introduce Reiki into hospitals in the Boston Massachusetts area. She went on to her master level of training in order to add substance to her growing practice in hospitals. Karen shares her concerns about the lapse of enthusiasm for Reiki in the hospitals now and the discussion of how to bolster the presence of Reiki in the medical care centers was multifaceted. Her dedication and passion for Reiki integrated into the health care of all who ask for it is inspiring. Visit website
12 December 2013 – Kelly Tammaro
Kelly Tammaro’s story is a very familiar one…..first having a treatment without connecting to Reiki, then another one years later when she did have “effects” and then the timing was right and she was compelled to take a Reiki class. Her path has been in the service of others. In the last 5 years she has been working with a hospice care provider in and around Boston MA. Her clarity about volunteerism and the role of Reiki providers in hospice will serve those of you who are interested in providing the same service in your local area. Her Reiki partner, Ann Brum, will be on next week’s show with more stories of their work together. Visit website
19 December 2013 – Ann Brum
Ann Brum comes to us from the Azores by way of Boston! Since knowing Ann, I have been looking up the Azores on my map quest and finding out more about these islands that I didn’t know existed! Brought to Reiki through a search for “something” after her father’s early death, she has dedicated her life to serving those who reach out for Reiki as well as those who, like her, are looking for something and don’t realize it is Reiki! Her stories border on the mystic and leave the listener waiting for the next installment! Listen closely as she drops her wisdom into the stories that she tells. Visit website
26 December 2013 – Christy Carl
Christy was one of the lucky people in Salem Oregon to attend a class of Hawayo Takata’s in 1980….just shortly before Takata Sensei died in December of that year. Christy stayed with her journey, deepening her dedication to Reiki. In the mid 1990’s, her Reiki path became a part of a transformational journey involving the birth of her son and the advent of her healing journey of cancer, along with being initiated as a master. Her seven years of healing became a source of strength, developing her gifts, and assuring confidence in life. An amazing journey, Christy is an inspiration for those who are looking for the source of healing… is within us with the assistance of those around us. Visit website