Radio shows “Reiki – Balancing Form and Essence”

Between 2007 and 2015 Phyllis Furumoto produced about 340 radio shows. She interviewed people of interest in the Reiki world, or just shared what was happening in her life.
Phyllis Furumoto: In my travels through the world of Reiki, I meet many people. All of them have great stories, profound insights given through their practice with Reiki, and inspiring experiences. It is my joy to be able to share these with you through these interviews. I am grateful for the willingness of these students of Reiki to share with you a glimpse of their Reiki path.
These original archival interviews are recorded between 2007 and 2015.
Year 2012
5 January 2012 – Phyllis Furumoto/Paul Mitchell
In December of 2008, Phyllis interviewed Paul Mitchell, a master also initiated by Hawayo Takata. They reminisced about the masters who had been initiated by her. Since this interview, several of the masters have passed their final transition… leaving just a handful of the original 21 present today. The dynamic teaching Hawayo Takata imparted was not from a written outline, but from her decades of experience with Reiki and the trust she had in the relationship of Reiki with each student.
12 January 2012 – Frank Doerr
Seit dem Ersten Grad in Reiki im Jahr 1993 hat Frank Doerr sich stetig seinem Reiki-Weg gewidmet. Auf diesem persönlichen Weg konnte er dabei nun einen Traum verwirklichen, den er 1997 hatte: In diesem Jahr wird die dritte jährliche Reiki Convention in Deutschland stattfinden, die ganz offiziell für alle Formen der Praxis, die auf Mikao Usui zurückzuführen sind, offen ist. Für viele Leute ist dies die Kulmination eines Heilungsprozeses – zusammenzukommen und über Reiki, ihre gemeinsame Leidenschaft, zu sprechen. Eine inspirierende Reiki- Geschichte die vielleicht auch Heilung innerhalb der Reikigemeinschaft in sich birgt, Diese Radiosendung ist auf Deutsch und Englisch. Übersetzung von Shantika D. Schnedler, Portland, Oregon.
Frank Doerr immersed himself in Reiki after taking the First Degree in 1993 and kept following his own path. He followed this path and a Reiki dream he had in 1997. This year will be the third annual Reiki Convention in Germany that is clearly open to all forms of practice that come from Mikao Usui. This has been the culmination of a healing process for many people….to be able to come together and talk about Reiki, the common passion for all those attending. An inspiring Reiki story and perhaps a healing within the Reiki community itself. This broadcast is in German and English. Interpretation by Shantika D. Schnedler of Portland Oregon.
19 January 2012 – Collene Delaney
In this show there is an introduction to the theme by Holly Near, a songwriter, singer, activist with a big heart. One of her songs inspired me to ask Collene Delaney to join me in an exploration of Teacher and Student in our practices of Reiki. What are the roles? How can we open to the experience of being both teacher and student in the same moment? Are we willing to open to our natural relationship of being both sides of giving and receiving in the same moment? How do we honor those who have gone before? What impact does this have on our lives? Join Collene and I in our musings.
4 February 2012 – Lynette Kirkman
An encore show from January 2008, Lynette’s story is one that many masters can relate to these days. The path of mastery calls us to follow our inner calling. Sometimes this leads to another form of Reiki. Fourteen years ago her personal Reiki practice led to a move from her initial form of practice to another form. This shift in her Reiki life has been done clearly and with great thought. Her shift brings up some questions, « Are all Reiki forms of practice alike? Do they go to the same place inside the student? How to know what is a whim or resistance and what is a calling? Was this a spiritual decision or calling? » Listen in to Lynette’s candid and thoughtful responses.
9 February 2012 – Dawn Elaine Weiss
Reiki often takes us to acting from our inner calling. This also often leads us to the edge of the cliff….and we take a great leap of faith! Dawn shares with us her story and it is clear to « hear » that she has been lead to this time in her life. Her decision to leave the guaranteed paycheck world and join those who have surrendered their livelihood to Reiki is one of courage and trust.
16 February 2012 – Sheri Snively
In the New Year’s Show, I read a quote from Sheri’s book…Heaven in the Midst of Hell. The author of the book has added thought provoking questions in my search for a peaceful world. What does this mean? Does it mean that war is the only un-peaceful state? And can one really find humanity in the midst of a war zone? Sheri has done just that and been able to communicate this with us without over sentimentalization. This honors the reader and the people in her stories and her own experiences. I appreciated her candidness in this interview and hope for time to interview her again. Be sure to read the Forward of the book!
23 February 2012 – Ann Cabano and Krysten Alderidge
Two women full of Reiki and passion share their stories of coming to Reiki, following Reiki through a video project, and finding out that the answer to all questions is LOVE. ONeTRUeLOVe is the name of the video documentary that seems to be leading them into the depths of what Connection is really all about. Their journey is one of discovery and surrender. A great combination for a great team! (Ann is on the left and Krysten on the right)
1 March 2012 – Sonia Acosta
From the moment she was initiated into First Degree, Sonia had people lined up for treatments. Over the years and through her own advancement in Reiki, she has treated many people with many different conditions and situations. Her stories have a special tone as she lives in Colombia and because of her own special way of speaking about her experiences. Spanish interpretation by Aleema Fontaine of Mexico.
8 March 2012 – Beatrice Oganesoff
Reiki was brought to South America in the early 1980’s and has flourished there all these years. Now many masters and students alike share their passion and dedication to the practice. Beatrice shares with us the role that Reiki had in her life through kidnapping of loved ones, her process with anger, and the blossoming of her beauty. The path of Reiki comforts and guides her to a growing peace within herself.
15 March 2012 – Margaret Krum
Love, Love, Love. Practice, Practice, Practice. Is Reiki Love? Is God Love? Are we Love? Margaret brings to her Reiki practice another way of holding life, love, and the meaning of Life through Science of the Soul. Her way of holding both practices allows for insight into my rebel nature and my resistance to the message: Reiki is Love. Margaret guides the conversation to resolution within me and perhaps for you.
22 March 2012 – Nur Stepanova
An encore show with Nur means that you will have heard her in the Russian shows from last December as an interpreter and now, as a long time Reiki student discussing her experience of Money in her experiences. Her history and passion for Reiki is a platform from which she shares her view point of money as an element of the practice.
29 March 2012 – Gerri Jackson
In a series of interviews about the precepts or principles of Reiki, Gerri spoke about « Earn you living Honestly. » Starting with an amazing story of her first Reiki treatment to her story of how the precept was demonstrated in her life. Gerri shared from her heart and her experience a choice betweeen: Working to live and Living to Work. This is a way to check to see if work is the focus of your life or is living the focus of your life. A challenging and insightful question for us all. Earn your living honestly is not really so much about the laws of a country but the integrity and purpose behind what we choose to do in our lives.
5 April 2012 – Jojan Jonker
A regular on the show, Jojan contributes the time and energy that he has spent in research and contemplation of the system and its development motivated by his writing a doctorate thesis. From a series of conversations, he and I explore the great choice between using our experiences as students of Reiki to determine or to support our theories about how the world works. The choice is between Theory and Experience. Using the discussion point of « Is there Good and Evil » and « Are Past Lives more than Fantasy? » we explore our paths as students…..agreeing that the experiences of Reiki shape and sometimes alter our theoretical premises.
12 April 2012 – Sue Winters
Sue found Reiki in British Columbia Canada through Rick Bockner, in 1981, just after he had been initiated as a master by Hawayo Takata. During her First Degree initiations, she found her Intuition opening up and a new level of communication began to blossom. This opening continued to provide experiences that challenged her known world and gave her the gift of the knowing there is more to « reality » than what we believe or are told. Her stories may sound familiar…..if so, she would say, this is because we are all…….One. Visit website
19 April 2012 – Barbara Matsuura
Barbara moved to Japan in 1981. Taking advantage of her ballet background, she moved into a form of Kabuki Theatre and then, when resettled in Hong Kong, Tai Chi. After an accident compromised the use of her thumb, she searched for something to assist in healing her thumb 100% and found Reiki. Barbara brings her no nonsense approach to the world of metaphysics in many ways. Her stories are simple and profound. Her integration of American and Japanese is a beautiful mix that will come through her speech, her stories, and her clarity of the essential nature of Reiki as an energy and as a practice.
26 April 2012 – Lily Thomson
LIly came to Reiki in the flow of her life. A devout and practicing Catholic, she consulted her « voice » when asked if she would like to take Reiki. The voice said yes! And Lily was off on a journey of her life! In following her voice, she traveled to Brazil and met Padre Tiçao. He was taken with her Reiki and she found his people to be open and ready for Reiki. She has returned to Brazil 4 times after her initial journey, fulfilling a calling that comes from deep within her relationship with Reiki. She speaks with candor and sweet honesty about her way of holding a Reiki practice and her faith. Visit website
10 May 2012 – Rick Bockner
Rick is one of the masters Hawayo Takata initiated. He shares with us his recollections of her classes, her way of teaching, and her presence. Form of Teaching brings together the elements into a class that is offered to students. There are principles of teaching that allow students to begin in the same place. However, each master also gives to the class his or her own personality and flavor. Rick speaks about his journey into finding his style while remaining true to the teachings of the master who initiated him. This is an encore show for those people who have or will attend a weekend with Rick and me as we share our memories of her practice and teaching.
17 May 2012 – Lizzie McCallum
At 18, Lizzie was facing treatments for cancer. The second time in her short life. She was drawn to explore complementary therapies and found Reiki. During the year of her process with cancer she received regular treatments. Her world changed in unexpected ways. Passionate about Reiki and life, Lizzie has taken the big step of mastery at the age of 30. Now, two years later, she is optimistic about the world, exploring the myriad of possible expressions for her mastery, and being inspired by her 8 year old son. Young, Vibrant, and Ready to Touch the World. web site under construction
24 May 2012 – Ian Spiers
Ian completed his education in McTimoney Chiropractic in 1986. As a result of the energy work involved in this kind of practice, he was lead to Reiki. Without knowing any particulars, Ian took the First Degree becoming a passionate practitioner and supporter of his Reiki community. Having a solid base for his treatment practice and teaching, Ian turned his attention to his personal practice. He and his wife, Celia, just lately supported each other in giving each other treatments everyday for 6 months. This exceptional experience has given Ian confidence in the promise made by Hawayo Takata…..Reiki will give you health, happiness, and prosperity!
7 June 2012 – Gerald Blomeyer
Encore show from Sept. 15th 2011. Five years ago Gerald sent out an email to his friends, students, and colleagues saying that he was moving to India to be with the Dalai Lama and the teachings of Buddhism. As a result of a series of small events, we connected again for this moment. The tenets of compassion, non attachment, and interdependence come alive through his stories, experiences, and observations. His way of making a difference in the world is to be of the world but not attached to the world. A clear and challenging life.
14 June 2012 – Jojan Jonker
A regular on the show in the last months, Jojan leads us into conversations about a cosmology for Reiki. We touched on the topic of Good and Evil in the practice of Reiki. (see April 5, 2012) As we thought about this topic, we realized that the greater question was « Does the practice of Reiki have a cosmology? » If yes, then what are the components that all Reiki practitioners have in common? Please join our conversation by going on the face book page or writing an email via the reiki show link.
21 June 2012 – Lyubov Ivanova
Luba came to Reiki through her interest in meditation and other « interesting » things during the time when such meetings were held Underground in Russia. During one of these meetings, she heard about Reiki and had the opportunity to attend one of the first classes given in Russia in 1992 by Horst Günther of Germany. She immediately was taken by Reiki and became a master in 1996. Since then she has continually taught students in many countries through the Russian community of students. A private person, she communicates the depth of Reiki by her conviction and her trust. Interpretation by Anjee Dronova of St Petersburg.
28 June 2012 – Ursula Schneider
Ursula came to Reiki through a physical condition and she found something much bigger for herself. Her Reiki story takes us into her classroom, her family, and her healing. This is a story of the past and present coming together to give her a vision for her future with Reiki that will contribute to those around her as well as the future of integrative medicine where Reiki and allopathic medicine can work side by side for the benefit of the patient.
5 July 2012 – Caroline Rodgers
A devout Buddhist and enthusiastic Reiki practitioner, Caroline is walking her path of spiritual exploration with an energetic clarity that is inspiring. During this interview, we were able to explore the value of having precepts in both her Buddhist practice and her Reiki practice. These provide an ethical foundation as well as a starting point from which clarity of movement and speech in daily life emerge. This is carried into her Reiki practice, a demanding one in a critical care unit in an NHS hospital. This has lead her to found a partnership in providing extended care for these patients. Many good points about public practice come out of this conversation.
19 July 2012 – Candace Caddick
Candace connected with Reiki 19 years ago and has continually valued the hands-on self-treatment. As some of her personal issues shifted and fell away, she seemed to gain sight. She was able to see the nature spirits working in her garden and in the whole of nature. This one one of the first veils that was opened to her. As she continued on her journey, another veil was lifted and she found herself typing for the arch-angels….and publishing three short books that are packed with « behind the veil » images and a communication of patterns. Inspiring and giving the reader a glimpse into another world…. Behind the veil, the books are her offering to those who are ready to read and listen.
28 July 2012 – Ebony Foster
From Toronto, Ebony is a relatively young student with a clear commitment to Reiki and to her mastery. She has been courageous enough to follow her feelings ….no matter what. She attended a Master Candidate Retreat in Arizona, meeting those who gathered for this Retreat for the first time and found a common trust in Reiki. When asked what her motivation is for starting on this journey, she answers, « I am just following my path. » Her journey into the unknown has been fostered by her uncommon releases as she receives treatments. Her trust in Reiki and in the divine is inspiring.
2 August 2012 – Wanja Twan
Another one of our earlier shows…..this encore of Wanja Twan is a treasure of memories and the voice of one of the elders in our community. Now retired from teaching and traveling, Wanja spends her summers in her beloved Kaslo, BC Canada…where the dragons lie long the tops of the spectacular mountains. Wanja is from Sweden originally and still has the lilt in her voice and the twinkle in her eye that I attribute to the Scandanavian affinity to nature spirits, good humor in the darkest of nights, and a sense that the veil between worlds is very thin in those northern climes.
9 August 2012 – Phyllis Furumoto
Sustainable Choices is becoming a phrase that is like the « red thread » in the German language….this means that this phrase runs through everything I do and think these days. I just realized several hours ago that I was thinking of this concept many years ago when I wrote a little letter in the Blue Book published by the Reiki Alliance. At the end of the letter is a visual…… »Image that you are standing in a corner facing the wall. It seems that you have few choices and no where to go. Now imagine yourself turning around facing the rest of the room. » The number of choices is breathtaking, literally. Where, how far, and with whom. All these choices become apparent. What turned you around? Your practice of Reiki, the energy of the limitless universal energy, the willingness to take the steps to turn. I have stepped into another room, at another level, and what I am finding excites me, restores my hope for the future, and gives me a direction in which to go. Resources:; Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein, Poem by Hafiz, Permaculture by Bill Mollison
16 August 2012 – Vera Dobrotina
Short and sweet. This show is a bit shorter in time, but Vera responds to the questions with simple clarity. From Moscow, Vera is speaking in Russian and Nur Stepanova is interpreting. Vera recounts her experience in starting the first Reiki clinic in Moscow which is still open. She also shares her experience of coming to the United States meeting other Reiki Masters and being introduced to Native American healing traditions.
24 August 2012 – Brigitte Mueller
Encore show from January 24th 2008. Brigitte’s story is one of « magical circumstance » or « there are no accidents! » She was ready to receive Reiki when she met, by chance, Mary Mc Fayden, in California shortly after Mary received her mastership from Hawayo Takata. Brigitte went home to Frankfurt, Germany, and began her long and dedicated practice. Reiki had come to Germany! Brigitte began her practice by treating herself and others, inviting Mary to come and teach, organizing the classes and serving as her Interpreter. In two years, she was initiated as a master herself and began her teaching practice which continues until today. As with many masters, she acknowledges Reiki as Divine Love and this has filled her life with angelic presence. She is devoted to her canine companions, Reiki, and angels.
30 August 2012 – Gordon Melvin
This encore show will bring you in touch with Gordon, who is now preparing for his next step in Reiki, becoming a master. His beginnings with Reiki were challenging and gave him a chance to experience following a calling to Reiki, the energy that intrigued him. This is a theme in his life as he followed a calling to become a priest of the Church of England, then to serve as a hospital chaplain, and now in a transition period to teaching the Enneagram, treating people with Reiki, and seeing them in Life Coaching sessions. His stories are wonderfully universal in nature and told with his special sense of humor and style. (from November 22, 2007)
6 September 2012 – Benjamin Edom
Benjamin has taken his passion for the way of Aikido, Kinesiology, and Reiki, integrating what they have in common while respecting the unique qualities of each, and putting all that into a teaching for those interested. A person who has referenced his learning through his physical body, Benjamin offers this to others as a result of his years of practice, his inquiring mind, and the observation of what happens when the principles of each are applied individually and together. A sincere and passionate man, he brings a sense of wonder and curiosity to his work, which is compelling.
13 September 2012 – Ann Baldwin
Ann is back! She has been busy the last two years studying the effects of Reiki on people. A published research scientist, she is also supporting the Reiki community by reading and writing summaries for lay people about the research that is being done in the world about and concerning Reiki. These can be found online under A lover of horses, she is embarking on a cooperative research project with Linda Kohanov who also lives near Tucson Arizona. Following her interests and inquiring mind, Ann is a beautiful balance of scientist and passionate healer. (listen to the archive shows of July 1 and July 8 with Ann.)
20 September 2012 – Gordon Melvin
This is not an encore show but the second interview with Gordon! His path continues with his passion for the Enneagram and Reiki. The interview brings out more of the depth of the Enneagram Studies and the mystical path of Reiki. Gordon shares with us his profound experiences of being in silence and hearing his calling to mastery. To contact Gordon, please use the contact box at
27 September 2012 – Cristina Camargo
When hearing that I was going to be traveling in Brazil, Cristina asked me to come to a gathering in the north. I didn’t have time to go but this interview is a way for me to be there. The experience of being interviewed was a good one and I wanted to play this for you…so you will have another view of the show. Their theme is exploring the 5 principles of Reiki. The interview is interpreted by Helena Hungria of Sao Paulo.
5 October 2012 – Sharron Mackison
First working in Fine Arts and then moving to the IT world, Sharron has found her place when she met Reiki in 1990. Very quickly she became a public practitioner and has continued the practice through the present time. In 1996 mastery came to her and she added teaching Reiki to her practice. Her rich experiential life with Reiki served her as she was a founding member of Reiki Australia and continues to be active in the public sector. As you listen to her stories you will find inspiration in her deep profound trust in the connection of Reiki with all things.
11 October 2012 – Randall Simpson
Young, vibrant, and dedicated. This is a combination that is impossible to surpress … and who would ever want to! All through the interview I was thinking that this is the promise of the coming generations. Randall came to Reiki when she was 18 and has used the path to deepen understanding for her personal journey as well as for guiding her service to humankind. Her passion for children has lead her to opening doors for Reiki, Yoga, and innovative programs for special needs children. Go Randall! another website:
25 October 2012 – Miriam Ibanez
I met Miriam this year at a conference in Sao Paulo. She volunteered to be interviewed for the show with Portuguese/English interpretation by Helena Hungria. Her story of Reiki is beautifully told and she follows it with some of her most precious stories of her treatment practice. A passionate and dedicated student of Reiki, she reminded me of my own steps which brought me into gratitude of the path of Reiki for us all.
1 November 2012 – Phyllis Furumoto
At the end of my tour of South America, I was privileged to speak to a group of about 100 students and masters in Santiago Chile. The topic question was « What is the future of Reiki? » Combining many of my main themes, I was able to communicate moving from being self referenced to including the world community, moving from being a helper and a fixer to being of service, and moving into the next stage of development for this practice we call Reiki. I feel I am standing on the brink of the unknown, ready to fly!
8 November 2012 – Rita Dantas
Rita lives in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, which is north from Rio de Janeiro, along the eastern coast of the country. She took First Degree in 1991 and has been « enchanted » with Reiki ever since. Her mother is a partner in a clinic for Body Restructuring, where they have a room only for Reiki classes and treatments. For 16 years Rita coordinates the practice of Reiki in the clinic, supporting the community, asking for 4 boxes of milk and a toy in exchange for a Reiki treatment. People who prefer to pay cash, help to pay the room’s expenses. With low vision due to a congenital macular retinopathy, Rita has found great strength in her service to others. Interpretation by Helena Hungria.
15 November 2012 – Vamzu-jo
Vamzu-jo came to Reiki in 1987 as a young mother with three children. She was offered Reiki one day for her migraine headache and she refused. The next month when the Reiki was offered, in desperation, she accepted. This treatment begin to change her life. In 1990, she was initiated as a master and since then has lived Reiki and Reiki has flowed through her life. Vamzu-jo is a wonderful story teller and with her stories come profound lessons. Her open willingness to trust in the energy of Reiki to support and nourish her vibrates through her.
22 November 2012 – Juanita Fernandez – Alamos MD
While in Santiago, Chile, I had an opportunity to meet Juanita Alamos. Her passion for Reiki coupled with her practical nature was enough to be sure that an interview was schedule! Now we have been able to meet through the internet and her interview is touching. The theme that runs through the interview is the personal nature of her Reiki practice and how this has impacted her patients and their families. She is interested in speaking with other MDs around the world about their experience of being Reiki students and having an active medical practice. (The interview has minor sound disturbances that are not able to be eliminated and the voices are clear.)
29 November 2012 – Miguel Pumarejo
At the age of 41, Miguel found himself in a « do or die » situation. Cancer had shown itself and was in an advanced stage. After assessing his finances and his options, Miguel choosed to go with an alternative method of healing. Diet, Louse Hayes’ book « You can Heal Yourself, » and a willingness to confront himself and his latent emotions created a change in Miguel! He is living well after many years and the cancer left as his resentment left him. A compelling story and one that teaches on many levels, Miguel uses Reiki to sustain his healthy state of mind and body.
6 December 2012 – Maria Torres
Family Family Family. This predominant passion and priority in the Latin American countries is evident as we listen to the interviews. Maria is no exception. Having found Reiki, she immediately thought: « What a perfect thing for a mother with four children! » And her children thought so as well. They all have chosen to be initiated and have practiced since childhood. Her practice as a master has followed this theme and her place within her family is as the healer/mother.
13 December 2012 – Phyllis Furumoto
This week the interviewer becomes the interviewee! Krishna Kloers wanted to have a way for me to be present at the Gersfeld Reiki Festival. As a result she interviewed me. This was a great experience and I expect to have more offerings where I can be present without physically being present. This question always comes up……when is a hug the most valuable thing? (The interview has minor sound disturbances that are not able to be eliminated and the voices are clear.)
20 December 2012 – Jason Thompson
Jason heard about Reiki while studying with Louise Hay in Southern California in 1985. He felt that this was for him and pursued his Path which lead him to Brazil and Uruguay. Not only has he learned Portuguese and then Spanish « on his feet » but he found that when speaking from the heart and having passion for Reiki, understanding came though without having the language to speak about it. Courageous, willing to follow his path, and a commitment to being in the energy of Reiki, Jason inspires each of us. Facebook: Jason Reiki
27 December 2012 – Phyllis Furumoto
Phyllis shares her thoughts about the « end of the world » and the gifts that Reiki brings to us in the practice and in the experience of practicing. The second half of the program is the New Year’s Meditation. The music is from Deuter’s Koyasan CD. The studies of DNA brings to us clearly that we are one, not only in essence but in the very being of our human bodies. The tension between form and essence is a creative force that can bring us to a new consciousness.