Radio shows “Reiki – Balancing Form and Essence”

Between 2007 and 2015 Phyllis Furumoto produced about 340 radio shows. She interviewed people of interest in the Reiki world, or just shared what was happening in her life.
Phyllis Furumoto: In my travels through the world of Reiki, I meet many people. All of them have great stories, profound insights given through their practice with Reiki, and inspiring experiences. It is my joy to be able to share these with you through these interviews. I am grateful for the willingness of these students of Reiki to share with you a glimpse of their Reiki path.
These original archival interviews are recorded between 2007 and 2015.
Year 2010
7 January 2010 – Catherina Severin
Catherina is a Reiki master and a hypnotherapist. Her work as a hypnotherapist lead her to Life Between Lives spiritual regressions, the work of Michael Newton. After reading a collection of these case studies, I have wanted to engage Cat in a conversation about spirit, spiritual lineage, and the purpose of our practice. This was a perfect opportunity! The result is a stimulating provocative conversation about the presence of spirit and the spirit realm in our practice of Reiki. Is there a pattern that is being created that has been many times in the universe? What is the purpose of the spiritual lineage? Is it respectful to acknowledge and call the spiritual lineage into the space of a class or a treatment? We covered many questions and are left with trust in our practice and our spiritual realm.
14 January 2010 – Hira Barbara Reid
« We are One »! I remember thinking 30 years ago that this was some airy-fairy idea! In this interview, Hira Reid, a Reiki student of 25 years, assists me in seeing the reality and truth of « being one » with all mankind and the divine. Just as Mikao Usui was a seeker who found and experienced the truth, Hira, weaves the lineage teachings and practices of Reiki, Siddha Yoga, Genealogy and Mitochondrial DNA testing to seek, find the truth and experience the meaning of the « External Thread of Oneness ». In reality we are all related to « Mitochondrial Eve », the clan mother who lived in Africa over 200,000 years ago and, therefore, we are all one. Visit website
21 January 2010 – Kate Jones
Wanja Twan once spoke to me about the royal families of Europe being a kind of spiritual lineage. This was in the days when I was trying to understand about my duties as the lineage bearer or Grand Master, the successor to Hawayo Takata. In this exploration of spiritual lineage I found it fortunate to have Kate visiting from England. I asked if we could explore this notion of royal families, spiritual lineage, and the duties of a lineage bearer. Our conversation went from this to exploring the nature of Reiki and organizations, the transitions that are occurring for the Reiki Association of the UK, and our personal journeys. Visit website
28 January 2010 – Maureen Pua’ena O’Shaughnessy
Maureen’s name has an air of mystery about it. Where does her middle name come from? Is it a spiritual name? And how did a lass with such an Irish name come to Hawaii? These questions and more will be the focus of our exploration of spiritual lineage in this interview. As in the last interviews, lineage and spiritual lineage has many aspects and threads that move through our lives. In Hawaii, the hula is much more than entertainment for the tourists. It is an oral tradition and spiritual practice whose spirit echoes what our practice is striving to teach us. Maureen is full of humor, wisdom, and the understanding that comes from her practice of hula and of Reiki. Visit website
4 February 2010 – Phil Morgan
Phil and Phyllis engage each other in speaking about the value of oral tradition in the practice of Reiki, in personal relationships, and in balancing the computer driven communication that we all share. What is oral tradition as we know it now? How can we use the various means of communication in our world today to support oral tradition? Where are the limitations? How can we keep this traditional means of building relationship to the mystery that is inherent in our world?
11 February 2010 – Chris Bell
Chris Bell is a neighbour of mine in Green Valley, Arizona. She prepared herself as best she could for her First Degree. One of the ways she likes to prepare is to read books! In the 18 months of preparation, she did not read but waited for the timing of her class. Her sharing oral tradition as a life experience and a new way to look at learning and teaching is lovely. This exploration took us to looking at some of the ways oral tradition is present in our daily life.
18 February 2010 – Phyllis Furumoto
The show this week has not worked out. As the ideas for the show have appeared, the ingredients were not there. And I, Phyllis, has not had the energy to « make it work. » I thought of selecting a show from the past years but this would not have been in the flow of the programs that I have in my mind and heart to give you. Then I thought I could talk for an hour about oral tradition but this also felt contrived and did not suit me. So I decided to trust your willingness to give me a week to put the next shows together for you that have come out of my musings for this one. So next week, there will be a show! And the following weeks of March our theme will be history. We will flow into history from oral tradition. I want to face up to some of the hard questions that arise when oral tradition meets history; such as « What is the truth? » Until next week, Phyllis Mamta Nanda, a listener from England has opened a facebook only for listeners of the radio show! This seemed like a great idea. Check it out!
25 February 2010 – Donna Stetser and Lida Perry
Oral tradition often is on the borderland of the mysterious. Sometimes because it is illusive. What is value does oral tradition have in a world that is filled with everyday information? Is it possible to pass on the value of something that, ironically, has no words to explain? And sometimes because oral tradition takes us into the mysterious world of energetic lineage, communication, and ancient knowledge. During this program, there is a 5 minute recording of Hawayo Takata telling two short stories. This recording is repeated at the end of the show so the listener can hear it again after listening to the discussion between Donna, Lida, and Phyllis.
4 March 2010 – Hawayo Takata
In keeping with the flow of our discussion of the oral tradition, this program contains a portion of Mikao Usui’s story as told by Hawayo Takata. There is an introduction by Phyllis Furumoto. In the next weeks, Phyllis will be joined by Paul Mitchell and other Reiki students in talking about the history, the tradition of oral tradition and what its application is to the history as told by Hawayo Takata, and how the question of truth and veracity is addressed within each individual.
18 March 2010 – Donna Stetser, Joyce Winough and Collene Delaney
Two years ago I was preparing to go to Japan with several other Reiki Masters and students to see if traveling in and around Kyoto would be beneficial for their depth of understanding Reiki and the practice. The result was « Yes! » and I remembered this as I was preparing this series of interviews. Three of the group were here this week and we had an opportunity to reconnect to the energy of the journey, to have insights of what we experienced, and to share special moments of the time in Japan.
25 March 2010 – Phyllis Furumoto
History. We think of history as a collection of information and facts. In essence, history is one perspective of movement that is captured by the writer or storyteller. What carries the energy of the story? What is the purpose of telling the story? Is there a motivation behind the history? What does history give the reader/ listener? These are all questions that are alive and well in our community and in our society. Perhaps the question with the most irony is this one: How much can we learn from hearing a story or reading history? How does the learning affect our behavior? With all of these questions, Phyllis summarizes her experience with the history of this lineage and practice. She also shares the story of Mikao Usui as she would in a First Degree Class.
1 April 2010 – Phyllis Furumoto
The new topic for the month is « symbols. » These are the symbols that are used in Second Degree. What is the meaning of the symbols? Where did they come from? What are the uses we can find for them? What is the teaching that they hold? Phyllis will be speaking to these questions and more.
8 April 2010 – Jojan Jonker
A life long student of the infinite realms of human consciousness and possibility, Yoli shares her understanding and experiences of a Reiki practice. The symbols are a part of this practice that, according to Yoli, brings us to the truth. The conversation between Phyllis and Yoli awakens memories and common experiences for both. Finding a way to articulate the difficult place between an « unbelievable » experience and the connection to everyday life, the two of them provide provocative connections of human consciousness and the healing experience of Reiki.
15 April 2010 – Ellen Montague and Heidi Gates
Ellen and Heidi have teamed up in offering a Reiki Intensive open to all levels of initiation. They use the inherent quality of the practice that takes a student into his/her deep inner wisdom. Through this practice and their experience with the following connection of the groups, they have observed that the different levels of initiation have similar gifts. The difference between a First Degree student and a Second Degree and a Master seems to be an internal one rather than external. This understanding allows their appreciation of the symbols to come from a place of gratitude and inner work. Their experience of being Second Degree students as well as masters adds a richness to life with the symbols in their hands.
22 April 2010 – Yoli Deines
A life long student of the infinite realms of human consciousness and possibility, Yoli shares her understanding and experiences of a Reiki practice. The symbols are a part of this practice that, according to Yoli, brings us to the truth. The conversation between Phyllis and Yoli awakens memories and common experiences for both. Finding a way to articulate the difficult place between an « unbelievable » experience and the connection to everyday life, the two of them provide provocative connections of human consciousness and the healing experience of Reiki.
29 April 2010 – Phyllis Furumoto
Imagine sitting with Phyllis in a cluster of rocks such as this, trading stories and asking questions. This show will be dedicated to those who have written from the radio show site or joined the face book conversations. Many of the inquires are evocative and are of interest to more than just the person who is the questioner. Phyllis is drawn to respond to these sincere openings for conversation and exploration.
6 May 2010 – Rick Bockner
Rick is one of the masters Hawayo Takata initiated. He shares with us his recollections of her classes, her way of teaching, and her presence. Form of Teaching brings together the elements into a class that is offered to students. There are principles of teaching that allow students to begin in the same place. However, each master also gives to the class his or her own personality and flavor. Rick speaks about his journey into finding his style while remaining true to the teachings of the master who initiated him.
13 May 2010 – Upasana Grugan
Upasana was introduced into Reiki by one of the first German masters to be initiated. Saman Drescher traveled to Chile from Germany to share his Reiki. Already culture had influenced the way Reiki was taught. And as the Latin American students began to practice, another culture touched the practice. Or perhaps Reiki touched the culture. Both became an intregal part of Upasana’s life. Her teaching style reflects the culture and her own love of Reiki.
20 May 2010 – Sue Leibold
The Form of Teaching element has two common areas of question: the length and timing of the First Degree Class and the amount of money that masters ask of students for each step of the system. In this candid conversation, Sue presents a thoughtful approach to both. She looks into the future as she imagines teaching a special group of people that she works with today. Her considerations and her trust in the circle of exchange gives us some places to go ….without answers but opening questions. This is a good place to begin.
27 May 2010 – Viviana Bilezker
Coming to Reiki in 1988, Viviana gives us a good look at the way the form of teaching has remained essentially the same from that time, when there was basically one form of teaching, to today. In the 1990’s masters began to radically change the form of teaching until the practice became known under another name. With Viviana’s story of the changes in the Argentine masters community following the devaluation of their peso to the USD, it is clear to see that outside and inner pressures can event a change. These changes offer the prospective student choice. Perhaps these pressures and changes have brought to light the natural cycles as Masters see the change in their relationships with their students.
3 June 2010 – Marsha Drozdoff
In finishing the nine elements at the end of May, I was open for inspiration for the show. As I thought of inspiration, I thought of Marsha Drozdoff. I met Marsha in my early months of treatment at the University Medical Center of the University of Arizona here in Tucson. She has a position in the Radiation department of the hospital and is a Reiki Master. Her long time work in both fields sustained my belief that I could use both worlds to foster health and healing within me. Her stories will allow you to see how allopathic medicine and the application of Reiki can create wholeness and healing.
10 June 2010 – Aneesha Kranti and Sofia
At the beginning of October, Aneesha and I started our conversations about treating students who had cancer. This journey of our sharing and of Reiki is shared through her experience with Sofia, a student of hers. Sofia and Aneesha found a way to work with Reiki in this situation. We share it to stimulate the understanding that everyone has their own path. The most important point is to be sure that this is your path and not someone else’s. Reiki assists us in finding our true path is in every situation. In the photo, Aneesha is in the blue shirt on the left and Sofia on the right.
17 June 2010 – Margaret Krum
A Reiki Master and lover of life, Margaret moved to Hawaii to do spiritual service. She found her spirit resonated with the Island breezes and stayed! Three years ago she found she had breast cancer. Having studied her options, she had surgery and then decided to stay with Alternative approaches for the followup protocol. Her courage to do what her heart spoke is inspiring and is her truth. Each person who faces the social and medical models has to answer to their own calling. It is not easy and it is one of the gifts of having Reiki.
24 June 2010 – Phyllis Furumoto
This week Phyllis is picking up the thread of her conversation with you, the listeners. She will be answering questions that have been sent in during the last few weeks. Having completed the shows on cancer protocol and Reiki, this is a bridge to the next theme of the shows. This is the most recent photo of Phyllis after her radiation treatments. She is recovering well.
1 July 2010 – Ann Baldwin
This series of shows is beginning with two interviews with Ann Baldwin, PhD, physiologist, and Reiki Master. She is now engaged in research studies with the University of Arizona in Tucson. Through her work, she met a Reiki student and eventually become one herself. As it is with Reiki, she progressed along a path of mastery. In a natural flow, both of her passions have come together in the completion of two published experiments using Reiki. Having a bit of resistance to speaking the words research and Reiki in the same sentence myself, it was a joy and a healing to read the articles and to talk with Ann about her experiences. A remarkably articulate speaker, Ann shares her journey with Reiki and her attitudes of research and science together.
8 July 2010 – Ann Baldwin
In this second interview, we are privileged to hear Ann’s description of her two published experiments, her motivations, and the understandings that came out of the experiments. The experiments were not focused on whether Reiki worked, per se, but on the effect of Reiki, using Reiki as a tool or a part of the experiments. Through the internet, these articles are available on the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine web site, Volume 12, Number 1, 2006 and Volume 14, Number 4, 2008. As a result of reading her articles, I realized I could apply what I was reading to myself! I have come out of her office after the interviews, being excited about the possibilities of research and the benefits to our community.
15 July 2010 – Angela Zellner with Isabella Petri
Angela and Isabella are scientists with a desire to explore the questions that many Reiki students and masters have. Is there a difference between the initiations for First Degree, Second Degree, and Master? Can a scientific measurement tell if a person has been initiated in a certain form or practice of Reiki? Is there a difference between the energy of Reiki and other healing energies? What is the nature of Reiki as an energy? Through a series of circumstances, Angela and Isabella have been able to begin an experimental process that will address these questions and more. They are setting up yearly gatherings where interested students of Reiki can volunteer to participate! Learn where and how to do this. Already going on for three years, this program is producing some solid results. Stay tuned for more! Web sites: Introduction: Project Report: Dr. Ignat Ignatov SHFD/ Kirlian Effect / Emisson Test: DNES/ Water Test:
22 July 2010 – Tekla Eichhorn
In searching for interesting research papers, I only had to look on my own desk! Tekla had just sent me her Master’s thesis in Cultural Anthropology. She was interested in the « culture » of Reiki and if it made a difference to the society of the people involved. On one hand, she found there was a difference but the difference was not as great as we, in the Reiki community, would like or envision. There were many contradictions of language and behavior that perhaps could be attributed to the human contradiction of being individuals and desiring, if not needing community. Many questions were raised….and not many answered, as it seems to early to tell the impact of Reiki on our lives, our society, and our values.
5 August 2010 – Helga Artner
Helga joined her love of Turkey and its exotic culture with her passion for Reiki. For 12 years she has taught and practiced Reiki in Turkey without noticing the possible barriers of culture, religious practice, and governmental regulations. She just simply did what she needed to do! And the value of Reiki has shown itself over and over to her students and community both in Turkey and Austria, her homeland.
12 August 2010 – Fokke Brink
Fokke Brink was initiated in 1987 during the time when most Reiki Masters traveled extensively to teach. It was not necessary but the demand was so strong and the intrigue of being called to different countries and cultures was irresistible. He took it a step further and lived in a mobile home for five years, traveling throughout Europe with his beloved partner, Maria. He describes it as being a 24 hour/7 days a week exercise in living Reiki and its principles. The lessons of the journey, including being one of the first Masters who traveled to Russia, have given him the gift of being at peace with his simple life in the very southern point of the Greek Peloponneses. Visit website
19 August 2010 – Rahel Warshaw-Dadon
Rahel, originally from the US, has lived in Jerusalem, Israel since 1979. Because conventional medicine had no answers for her, in 1987, she started looking for an alternative. In 1991 she finally discovered Reiki, but four more years passed before she found a Reiki Master and took First Degree training. In 2000, Rahel was initiated as a Reiki Master and in 2003 she and her students founded the Israeli non-profit organization Reiki for Peace. Visit website
26 August 2010 – Melanie Hoffstead
A dynamic personality, Melanie gives us a most personal sharing as she traces her Reiki journey with stories. The stories abound with « coincidences, » moments of « seizing the day », and the magic of Reiki. Melanie’s family’s healing weaves through the stories of how she was lead to Hungary, Israel, Germany, and Poland. Melanie’s journey with Reiki takes her through many expressions of creativity and she shares this with others in her creative workshops.
2 September 2010 – Beatrice von Schlick
One of the facets of Mastery in Reiki is teaching. Teaching classes allow a master to touch the cultural norms and sensitives of students. Often this is a gift to the master as well as a curiosity, resulting in a deeper understanding of the students, their outer world, and the direct impact on their inner world. Beatrice has an unusual combination of living in Germany and being French. Her personal story has been touched by the chance to teach in both countries. It seems that Reiki touches us all in the same way, but differently!
9 September 2010 – Chelsea Van Koughnett
Listen to this showChelsea was a traveling Reiki Master in the 1980’s and 1990’s. Many of us traveled, teaching as we followed the call of Reiki. Her story is typical of the times and inspiring in its diversity. As she followed the thread of Reiki down to South America, through the United States, and back to Canada, her understanding of life, of human nature, and of the incredible magic of connection through Reiki grew and grew. Now she is taking time to apply this to her home life in her long time Canadian home, a village in the stunning Kooteney area of British Columbia, the last place where Hawayo Takata taught in 1980.
16 September 2010 – Ruth Wong Pine
SPECIAL ENCORE! Reiki from a Chinese Point of View. Ruth Wong Pine joins us in exploring the concept of Reiki through the Chinese language. The Japanese language has been closely connected with the Chinese from perhaps 2000 years ago. In working from the Chinese language and concepts, Ruth’s point of view may give one a more full understanding of the language concept of Reiki as well as the energetic experience of Reiki, the energy.
23 September 2010 – Aleema Fontaine
Following the theme of teaching in different countries, Aleema recalls her experiences in teaching in her native Mexico and also in Los Angeles. Students in both places come to Reiki seeking a place of spiritual connection, however, the culture of each country varies. This affects the way the students see Reiki in their lives. A profound similarity also connects students, this is the understanding that they have found « home, » an inner place of spiritual stillness. This was the gift that Aleema received from her First Degree class without knowing that she had been in search of it for her lifetime. This thread runs through all classes in all cultures.
30 September 2010 – Kandy Brandt
Kandy had a great connection with the former USSR from childhood. This reappeared as she followed her path through Reiki and her early teaching years. Her experiences in Russia and many of the former USSR countries has given her a deeper appreciation for the cultures into which she immersed herself. The return to the United States has not been easy but there is also a teaching within this discomfort. Her wisdom and depth of understanding of this path is inspirational.
7 October 2010 – Marta Getty
One of the first masters initiated after the death of Hawayo Takata, Marta has been steadily teaching Reiki and traveling extensively. She has primarily taught overseas and this gives her a perspective of the practice that not many masters carry. Her experiences of many cultures has lead her to deeply connect to the similarities of all cultures while celebrating the differences. This is a bridging interview to the next theme of the radio show, « mastery in life. » Marta shares how being a master is demonstrated in those every day experiences.
14 October 2010 – Bettyne Stafford
Born and raised in India, Bettyne brings this cultural dynamic to her understanding of Mastery. Bettyne gives us a stimulating and touching discussion that includes all of her living. Her humor and wit sprinkles the hour with smiles, while her depth of understanding will touch your heart. It is often said that mastery is living as though all is important and without attachment. What a beautiful example of this in action.
21 October 2010 – Irina Malinina
Just at the first snow fall this year Irina and I found ourselves talking together of mastery and the gifts of her journey. No matter where in the world the word Reiki is spoken, sometimes it falls on the ears of someone who says, « This is for me! » This happened with Irina. With determination to follow the path, she went on to Second Degree and Mastery. Her sharing of the changes within, the awareness of the spiritual journey, and the humor of knowing there is no choice sometimes, makes this hour a lively and touching conversation.
28 October 2010 – Elena Znamenskaya
Elena was in the first class of Fokke Brink when he opened the teaching of Reiki in Moscow in 1990. This was the beginning of a wave of opening that spread throughout Russia and the former USSR. Elena’s recollections, sharing of the changing times, and her part in the story of Reiki in Russia brings us closer to being able to imagine what life is like in a country that has been shaped in our minds by the press and other sources of stories. Reiki came into Russia and touched the hearts and spirit of the people. Their dedication to the practice and their willingness to do whatever is necessary for the next step in their lives is inspiring.
4 November 2010 – Phyllis Furumoto
Healing and Curing. These two words bring up all kinds of responses and reactions from people. In the many discussions I have had with students of Reiki all over the world, each culture has their own understanding of healing and curing. I have been trying to put these many nuances together to have a complete definition and therefore a brilliant answer for some of the questions I am asked! However, after all these years, this complete definition has not happened…so I am going to leave it to all of you to listen to the next weeks’ of interviews and perhaps enlarge your own definition of Healing and Curing and their application in our practice of Reiki.
11 November 2010 – Charlotte Bessels
Healing and Curing. This topic was a perfect fit for my interview with Charlotte Bessels. Living in the Netherlands, she was a nurse and a nurse instructor, then she moved into a program that would give her work more emphasis on healing, and there she found Reiki. It is best to hear the rest yourself as she moves into her own experience of healing; through to the experience of the ultimate lightness of being. Visit website
18 November 2010 – Tripuri Dunne
Tripuri found Reiki in India but has centered her practice in London for many years. Her steady successful treatment practice has given us the gift of stories of healing…..and curing. Her definition of these two words are exemplified in her stories, a true story teller who is reluctant to define. This is good news for us, the listeners, as we have a chance to hear these inspiring stories. Tripuri sets a high mark as a practitioner who is dedicated to serving those who come to her. And the recipients of her treatments demonstrate courage and commitment as Reiki guides their healing and sometimes, what might be called a cure. Visit website
25 November 2010 – Sadhu Veronica Kravtsova (Ma Prem Sadhu)
If you have been listening to the show or researching the archives, you may remember Sadhu’s interview on Mystic Order. Having been in Moscow, I had the opportunity to have another interview with this Reiki Master who recalls the beginning of Reiki in Moscow and her experience of healing and curing. She first went to the dictionary and found that in the Russian language the two words mean almost the same thing. However in practice, as in other places in the world, the two can be treated very differently. Her viewpoint on Healing and Curing is uniquely expressed and I came to be mesmerized by her emphasis on letting both be given to God.
2 December 2010 – Astrid Bagwitz
In this conversation with Astrid, a second degree student living in Germany, we are treated to a series of stories about her journey with Reiki. These stories illustrate the healing process of finding and participating in this practice. Her participation began with accepting unusual experiences and pursuing them until she found Reiki, learning about surrender, and coming into Trust. Her enthusiasm and overflowing good will for everything that Reiki has offered will inspire us all.
9 December 2010 – Aleema Fontaine
A dramatic pose for Aleema photo carries the message of milagros (miracles), surrender, and awakening. This interview covers the various themes of healing and curing; from the different meanings of the words in French, Spanish, and English to the way these concepts mix with the experiences of a Reiki practice. Aleema’s recent Journey with a painful and continuing knee surgery/recovery allows us to speak about many aspects of healing and curing.
16 December 2010 – Monika Vogeser
Monika’s journey with Reiki began with her search for support in her living with Multiple Sclerosis. Her search, her finding Reiki, and her discipline with the practice has given her insights into life as a healing path. The two healthy points of life, she says, are the moment of birth and the moment of death. The years between these points are steps in healing. A great inspiration for those of us who need encouragement in the daily discipline of self treatment!
23 December 2010 – Phyllis Furumoto
Each year about this time, I remember my master, Hawayo Takata, even more than usual. Her birthday is December 24, 1900. I look back and try to imagine all the different waves of « progress » and changes that occurred during her life. What would she think of email and Skype conference calls? How would she feel about the spread of Reiki and all of the different forms? I have no idea! However, it is good to go back for a bit and remember.
30 December 2010 – Phyllis Furumoto
Each year as December draws to a close, I seem to look over my life for the last year, wondering if there could have been something different. Could I have made a different choice? Could there be things I did not notice that were important? Could I have made a difference in a situation but did not? This is a time of the year to consider that what happened, what I did, and what I did not do were « just so. » This next year, during the cycles of the season how can I find my peace and my « just so » place? Join me for a gift of music, a meditation, and a message. We will be doing hands on treatment, so set yourself up to be comfortable for an hour!