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Photos of holiday

2010-08-22 Photos of holiday-1

2010-08-22 Photos of holiday-2

2010-08-22 Photos of holiday-4

2010-08-22 Photos of holiday-3

I am trying to figure out how to add captions to the photos meanwhile,

The top photo is a birthday party at Chelsea’s in Kaslo with Wanja and her sister, Ametist. The next one is me in the Slocan Lake in New Denver BC. The water is so clear that I can see the bottom rocks far out in the lake. The water was « warm » this year! Then there is Joyce and I on the New Denver golf course and Julie, my niece by marriage in her outrageous rainbow garden ….and me too!

I had a great Birthday! The golf game was fun and I really did well. We had lots of slow people ahead so got in lots of rest. Will try to go back to this same course on Saturday for another 9 holes before all the meetings!

It was a great birthday …………………and imagine I can be having these for another 20 years!

Love, Phyllis