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A long winter

This winter has been a long one for many of us, even here in Arizona. At the beginning of February when the weather usually starts its warming trend, we had record breaking lows and severe winds. The temperature went down to the low 20 degrees F and many of the cactuses were frost bitten. Not the saguaros! Thank goodness. All during February the night time temperatures have been mostly below freezing and the palm trees and other tropical trees are looking pretty bad. I don’t know whether they are actually frozen or they will come back. The date palms in front of our house have a little green on the inside of their leaves (fronds) so I hope they are okay.

For me, I have had a lot of Reiki contact,at the beginning of the month with Phil Morgan. We cofacilitated a workshop called Reiki, a sacred path of healing. It was a major time for me to look at losing weight. Since this workshop, I have stayed on a simple diet and am losing weight. It does not seem to be as difficult as before. Some of the struggle is gone! So this leads me to feeling better about myself and my walking is better. Then had a Master Intensive here with Paul Mitchell and this was also a good time to be with the system and our practice. Since then I have had visitors who are also Reiki Masters. We have exchanged treatments and my emotional health is getting better. I have not yet used the antidepressants! This is a good thing. Thanks to Reiki.

The Port removal was an amazing process. As I felt the port being taken out of my body, I actually was sad! And miss its presence there on my left side. I am glad to have it NOT be there ………….but have been curious about missing it. So I treated myself with a distant treatment and got in touch with a culture that I had been immersed in…the cancer culture, where everyone is so kind and generous. I wonder if I will miss this! Or if I will find this in my life! Not that I don’t have kind and generous friends, colleagues, and professional connections, but there is a quality of this that is definitely different.

I still have the „seri-stripes“ on my left side where the stitches still remain. I treat myself extra long there in the mornings and wonder when they will be absorbed into my body! I am continually amazed at the body and its resilience.

The projects that I have on my desk right now are consuming me ………the web site is still in process, the preparation for the presentation of the Reiki Home is in its final stages, and there are medical insurance things that need documenting and so on. The desk is piled up and I wonder if I will get through it all. I am becoming clear about how people get into pacing the floor!

But I have been better about receiving Reiki and this always puts me into a better frame of mind. Sometimes I wonder if the state of mind after Reiki is avoidance or a good way to be. At this point, I see and feel it as a better way to be …………testing the concepts of the principle „Just for today, do not worry!

I was treating myself this morning, realizing I had not posted a blog entry for a while, and realizing that it has been good for me to simply share with you. Thank you for listening and for responding! You all are a great support for me.

There are parts of me that have gone and the parts that are left are wondering what to do! Like the beautiful desert palms, the cactus, and the sweet trees that have been frozen, the part of me that loved traveling is gone. What replaces this part? How will I be able to continue to support myself financially? Will there be something to replace this part? All this seems to be a mystery now. I have to trust in the greater process that Reiki is taking me through. Deep breath! Thanks for being there!
