At home again!

These photos are of the OGM Retreat ……one of Joyce
and I at the BBQ night and the other of the hall where we met each day.
On September 15, Joyce and I pulled into our drive after being away for 6 weeks. It was a full and productive road trip with the joy of being with many of my old friends and family in Canada, the fullness of the OGM Retreat, and the next steps in my treatment program settling down.
I have already talked about the Canadian part of the journey. It was so nourishing to be up there, to see my step children and their families, and to be in the clear waters of Slocan Lake. I hope to go back up there in January for a week of winter retreat mostly in silence, by my self. I am looking forward to making this happen as I feel the nourishment of my soul needing these kinds of spaces.
The OGM Retreat was remarkable. 50 of us sat in circle for 4+ days. These circles were called by Paul Mitchell and I to assist us in finding our next steps as the OGM. What is our next work? The definition of the system has been done and disbursed for the community benefit. This is the work we have been doing for the last 18 years. Also we needed to have the circle actually filled with people who care about the system and are dedicated to the continuance of the system, Usui Shiki Ryoho. Again, in this year, the third circle formed. We went through a series of sharing circles. Each one was like a contribution of a puzzle piece. At the end, the image on the puzzle was clear to all of us. The next step is to purchase the Kenyon Ranch for the benefit of the system, the international community, and the spiritual lineage. This was an exciting conclusion of the time together.
Tomorrow we are meeting with the present owners of the Ranch to begin negotiations. Please send Reiki to me ……………..for clarity and support. I have been fairly quiet about all this….I feel a change growing inside me. Like my position within is changing. It is a natural part of the process of change that was kick started by the diagnosis of my breast cancer last year. I felt it in the circle and the people who were there acknowledged it in different ways. This is a scary and important step for me…the change and the echo of the Ranch proceedings!
My next steps of treatment have been a bit rocky as I asked for so much! Weight loss on top of the hormone treatment. so I have ended up with a shake in the morning that not only cleanses my liver and sets me up for the day to not crave food, to taking massive doses of vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C, and other meds that are natural estrogen inhibitors. At first I started to have some side effects and dosages were altered. Now I have a steady routine and this feels good. My body is feeling strengthened by the protocol and I feel much better all the way around. I lost some weight up until the Retreat at the end of August but the last two weeks on the road ………………………………………………………………………………………………it was hard to not eat carbs ………… I gained some of it back. Now I am really at home and can dig into the diet and my exercise again! It is good.
I am having some noises about blood clotting. This is such an interesting story and I wonder about how this is coming up!
So I took a requisition form from one of the nathropaths the one assisting me with weight loss and general health. She circled the wrong blood test. It was a test about the clotting time of my blood. This came back with an „elevated“ reading. So she wanted me to take the test again…which I did. Now they want another series of tests done. Their concern is about blood clots!
So I am, on one hand, just astonished and cannot take it seriously. Surely the Drs would have noticed this in all the blood tests I had done for the chemotherapy and so on. And at the same time, I wonder about this for my next flight to Russia…in less than two weeks! So Again, Reiki would be great. This is a niggling stress for me that I hope gets cleared up in the next week.
I see the Surgeon and the Oncologist at the Cancer Center on Tuesday. One of the things I am going to do when I get home from Russia is to see if I can go to a dermatologist. There are a few funny spots on my skin that I don’t think is cancer…but good to check them out. Also I want to ask about the next steps and if there is anything I need to do ………………..besides lose weight and see them periodically. I will be interested in seeing them again.
I will write a report to you all next week …………………………………………………………………………………..
My desk is piled with stacks of things to file and to do. Life is returning in a different way. I am happy to be home and look forward to my trip to Russia. The community there always gives me amazing gifts of heart, studentship, and recognition of the mystic.
That’s all for now! with love and appreciation for your being our there … receive my writings and to respond with Reiki.