Now what?
Nature seems to be in tune with my state of being these days the Rain has come over and over in the last three months, bringing with it a very green desert! And the flowers this year are incredible! So many enriching experiences have come to me in the last days, so many blossoms.
On the Spring equinox, March 21, I had the pleasure and honor to initiate three masters! And they are now on their way home to teach their first classes! The two weeks went by with the speed of light; all of a sudden the days were counted and lived. I felt the teaching coming from a different place. It is hard to put words to it. I am holding the days and moments as gifts from the last months.
On March 30, I had my SIM for the radiation treatment. This seemed to go well, though I realized that my inner anxiety came to the surface. Joyce had some time off that day and was able to come with me! I was so happy about this. Now I have four little tiny tattoos on my chest…and they are preparing the „plan“ for the radiation. I will begin on April 14 at 2:00 pm.
On March 31, I had a mammogram in preparation for the appointment on April 8 with the surgeon. It is the checkup after the chemo is finished and before the radiation starts. I went blithely by myself thinking that this is a no worry situation. The tech was a bit rough and the experience left me shaking. I realized that the last time I had had one, I found I had cancer! So I was revisiting a scary situation. I stayed for the results …….and they were negative. So I am clear! Of course. But the lurking „What if“ was definitely there! I realized that I was acting as though there was nothing that could go wrong …..while underneath, there was the question. This brought me up short and I am happy to say that I resumed my hands on treatment from the local Reiki hands on April 1~They have had a break for the month of March. I received treatments from visitors.
The evening of the mammogram day, I went to a chanting evening with Krishna Das, Deva Premal and Miten in Tucson! After two days of resting and recovering from the departures of the group members, Joyce and I went to an old theatre in downtown Tucson. It was my first time with them LIVE! Joyce was a wonderful guide since she knew the traditional chants. The experience was another bouquet! The energy that poured through was beautiful. This came at a time when I was open and vulnerable. Sometimes I felt the energy wash through my being, cleansing all levels. Sometimes the energy moved every cell to vibrate at a different frequency. Sometimes the energy moved me to remember the last months experiences, especially the painful and uncomfortable ones, seeing them in another light..more gifts. The spirit moved! Whew!
The radio show continues to challenge my being conscious of the passing of time! Every week is a surprise! Another show is due to be aired. Lately I have been doing them myself since I have not the foresight to ask people for interviews. Another factor is since I have not been traveling the impulses and conversations have not come to me. Now I feel that I am going cold into the great resource of the community. Again, there is another place from which to draw.
I am looking forward to the next days before the radiation treatments start … rest, contemplate what this next step is bringing me, and to take up a yoga treatment that was gifted to me by Nora. She has given me a specific plan to work on my liver and other organs which are detoxing and to assist my lymph system. Though it seemed very mellow, the effect that one session gave me was great! So another blossom in the desert.
Well, it is late…or rather very early in the morning. I wanted to get something on the Blog and have been thinking of you all with great affection. This is also a gift …………………………………………………………………………………….as I read the comments, as I follow my time with this part of my path, and as I connect with your support and love.
I am full of gratitude.