5 more to go!
I have no idea what makes one week not bad and the next a kind of nightmare. Kate and I went in to Tucson on Wednesday. Though I had not a good night’s sleep, I felt okay and clear. The blood draw was, for the first time, quick and easy. Then we had to wait. Not good. I was feeling tired and took a little nap sitting up. Then we went in, the procedure was fairly straight forward, not much over waiting. By the time I was finished with the infusion I was finished! We had planned to do a couple of little errands on the way home but this was not possible. I slept on the way home, directly after a short lunch slept again, and then had a Reiki treatment. Thank Goodness! Thank you Chris! Kate made a great Chinese dinner. After that I needed to push myself to do the interview for the radio show as I had put it off way too late. Then to bed!
Thursday was a true down day and Friday morning wasn’t too bad. I had another treatment Thursday and also Friday morning. Thank Goodness! In the evening on Friday (that’s tonight), some friends of Joyce and mine presented 13 of us with a sample Hawaiian dinner! It was great fun …..and the food was great.
Everyone agreed.
So Lesley and Gary are launched and wished a great journey with their new endeavor.
I got a little „ono“ for Hawaii and have stayed up watching one of the Merry Monarch Festival DVDs. This is the yearly hula Festival in Hilo that is incredible. One of my dreams is to go and be there in person!
During this last week, I had a chance to play the Game of Transformation again. This time the focus was „I open to my spiritual connection with the Ranch.“ This also has a wider application, of course. The Game, one more time, was so right on target.
Early in my mastership, when I did not understand the place of money in my life nor in the practice, I was confused. I had to learn that I was trustworthy with money and that I needed to work with money in my own way. This has been good for my life and now I trust myself with money. And with this open to more understanding on an energetic level as well as a spiritual connection.
During the Game the same obstacles arose around trusting my spiritual connection. My guardian angel was Truth. I understood that I needed to know my own truth and use this as my guide. Trust in myself was a big part of this revelation.
The Game is working in me and I am holding a space for further developments.
When I connected with the Ranch now 2 years ago, my mother and I went up to the Ranch. As we stepped out of the car, she and I both felt the deep and clear connection. I was so happy that someone else was running the Ranch and I could simply use the Ranch as often as I could. The work in these last two years at the Ranch has been unusually easy and yet each person goes deeply into themselves. The results of the work has lived on and made major shifts in people’s lives. I feel that there is some inherent quality of energy that allows this to happen. I am amazed. I have also experienced these shifts for myself. So much has opened for me there. I will see what the connection brings. I remain unattached to the outcome…which is not easy! But I see that staying with my truth in the moment and not reaching into the future will serve me well. And serve my connection with spirit. I am learning to be present with another quality of listening. It is good.
Everything is getting quieter and this is a blessing.
For this week …………………….signing off with a grateful heart, a quieter mind, and a willing spirit.